How To Lie with Maps | Critical Cartography Workshop

In the framework of the World Geography Night 2022 occurring on Friday the 1st of April 2022, the International Master Programme on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD-STeDe), together with the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua are actively participating in the programme. The aim is to contribute to the dissemination and diffusion of geography and GIScience topics through didactic and scientific activities such as workshops and seminars.

Below you can find more information on the first event

How To Lie with Maps | Workshop on interactive cartography, between the sacred and the profane.

17.00 – 19.00 pm (CEST)

This interactive workshop on critical cartography is hosted by Kollectiv Orangotango (Berlin) who will involve us in an interactive workshop, between the sacred and the profane, to help us understand the logic and power of maps, through simple tools of digital cartography at the time of crowdsourcing, participatory mapping and voluntary geography. A workshop to de-construct maps and build new ones, inclusive and multi-verse. One world, many worlds. One map, many maps.

// The event is free and open to anyone interested in participating – REGISTER HERE AT THE FORM
The event will be held in Italian only

// Download the flyer of the Event – CLICK HERE

/ See all Geo Night 2022 events: explore the webGIS