International Master STeDe-CCD summer school in South Africa

International Master STeDe-CCD summer school in South Africa: an intense and exciting 2-week experience

The summer school in South Africa with the second year students of the International Master on Sustainable Territorial Development: Climate Change, Diversity and Cooperation has just concluded.

The University of Padova, with a strong support from the University of Johannesburg, partner of the STeDe-CCD Master programme, set up and organized a 2-week experience to deepen the knowledge on “Biodiversity and Community Tourism for Sustainable Development Paths and Climate Change Adaptation in South Africa” as part of the third semester learning path.

Every day has been dedicated to the visit of a specific case study around the topics of sustainable tourism, biodiversity and just transition, and sustainable development and climate adaptation. All of this was complemented with group works activities and collective reflections led by Prof. Alessio Surian of the University of Padua.

A huge thanks goes to the University of Johannesburg and in particular to dr. Lee-Ann Modley for this amazing opportunity!

Follow our social media to read more about this experience!

